Aktion Club
Beacons of Hope Aktion Club was established in 2009, and is sponsored by the Fond du Lac, Noon Kiwanis.
The Mission of the Aktion Club is:
- To provide adults with disabilities an opportunity to develop initiative and leadership skills.
- To serve their community.
- To be integrated into society.
- To demonstrate the dignity and value of citizens living with disabilities.
Aktion Club members strive to return to their communities the benefits, help, and caring they have received, as well as develop important skills in the process.
Aktion Club benefits its members in many ways through service and recreational events. These activities enable the members to:
- Achieve personal and service goals
- Develop creative, intellectual, and mechanical abilities
- Develop leadership skills
- Improve self-esteem
- Participate in the active life of the community
- Provide an opportunity to contribute to the community
- Social interaction
Visit our Contact Us page to request additional information about the Beacons of Hope Aktion Club. For further inquiries, please call 920-924-3020.